Dedicated To Defending Your Rights

We Take Murder And Homicide Cases

There are many criminal defense attorneys, but few are willing to put up an aggressive defense for murder and homicide charges. At Hensley Law Office, we believe every person is entitled to fair treatment under the law, and we employ decades of experience to ensuring you are properly represented at your criminal trial. Our team serves clients in just about any town in western or northwestern Missouri, including Kansas City, Raymore, St. Joseph and Osceola.

Your Entire Future May Hang In The Balance

Crimes such as murder, homicide or vehicular manslaughter are among the most severe felonies and come with the steepest punishments – whether or not it was intentional. These charges can range from murder with malicious intent to drunk driving accidents. Otherwise-upstanding citizens or their families can fall into dismal circumstances, and find their entire future hanging in the balance.

Our proven criminal defense lawyers assemble a defense that is designed to defend you on the charges against you, so you can get back on your feet. We are committed to doing whatever possible to defend your rights.

Trust Attorneys Who Have Handled It All

Hensley Law Office has tried virtually every criminal charge in Missouri municipal, state and federal courts. Few other criminal defense attorneys in Kansas City or the northwest or western Missouri region have the experience necessary to represent you when the stakes are so high. In addition to having a former prosecutor, Kenny Hensley, on our team, we are proven litigators with extensive knowledge of the law and can ensure you are treated fairly at your trial.

Contact our office to schedule a free consultation to begin discussing your case. Call  today, or send us an email to get started.