Dedicated To Defending Your Rights

A Vigorous Defense For Gun-Related Crimes

Crimes involving guns or other weapons often come with steeper consequences. With an office in Raymore, Hensley Law Office has defended those northwest Missouri and western Missouri – including Kansas City, St. Joseph and Osceola – against virtually every criminal charge, and we have the competence and experience to ensure you are fairly represented in your case.

Our attorneys can offer a solid defense for a variety of gun crimes. This can include anything from felony assault with a deadly weapon to charges for a felon in possession of a firearm. Gun charges are sensitive and challenging to overcome – you need a trusted criminal defense attorney with decades of experience to safeguard your rights.

Protect Your Legal Rights

Though we are given the right to bear arms in this country, gun laws are fairly strict. One misstep and you could lose your right to possess a firearm. Whether this is your first offense or you have previous charges on your record, an experienced criminal defense attorney can fight to protect your rights.

We Aggressively Defend Any Accusation

With decades of combined legal experience, our proven trial lawyers can defend virtually any criminal charge. We have extensive knowledge of local, state and federal law, and we can represent you before any municipal, state or federal court in Missouri. When your crime involves a gun or another deadly weapon, you need the counsel of an attorney who is familiar with these cases to develop a defense that best protects your rights and interests.

Schedule a free consultation with our office to discuss your case. Call 816-892-9603 today to get started, or send us your information online.