Criminal, Federal Crime and Juvenile crime cases

How can a DUI impact financial aid?

On Behalf of | Dec 1, 2022 | DUI/DWI |

When dealing with a DUI conviction, even a first time one, it is not unreasonable to be concerned about matters like government backed financial aid for schooling.

But exactly how much does one DUI conviction impact financial support? Can it potentially ruin a student’s chances of attending school?

DUI vs. drug crimes

The U.S. Department of Education discusses the impact of a criminal record on financial aid. First, a DUI in and of itself is not reason for dismissal from applying for federal student aid (FAFSA). This changes if the DUI conviction is accompanied by other criminal convictions, however, such as endangerment of a minor or bodily harm of another person.

On top of that, drug charges are grounds for dismissal. Students facing conviction for a drug related charge will lose their ability to apply for FAFSA if they are actually convicted, which can make it impossible to afford the school they wanted to attend.

A risk to all forms of financial support

Also, just because someone with only a DUI charge can still apply for federal student aid, this does not mean that every potential avenue of financial support is safe.

In many cases, independent scholarships, financial awards for schooling, gifts, and other forms of financial support have their own clauses regarding the rules and regulations of recipients of this money. Getting a DUI conviction on record may well be written into the rules as an actionable offense resulting in a person no longer receiving financial support.

Thus, it is best to avoid the DUI conviction in the first place, as it can have lasting and serious financial repercussions for students.