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Is there a consequence for refusing a chemical test?

On Behalf of | Aug 26, 2020 | Drug Crimes |

When a law enforcement official pulls you over for drinking and driving, he or she will ask you to take a chemical test. The Missouri Department of Revenue states that this test solidifies your blood alcohol content level at the time of the traffic stop.

You can refuse to take the chemical test, but if you do not submit, you will lose your Missouri driving privileges for a one-year period. The official title of this revocation period is a “Chemical Revocation.”

Available driving privileges

If the law enforcement official revokes your driving privileges during a DUI arrest, you may be able to obtain a Limited Driving Privilege. You can use the LDP to get to an alcohol treatment program, to travel to school, to go to work or to drive to receive medical treatment. You must also file an SR-22 form and install an Ignition Interlock Device in your car.

The Ignition Interlock Device requirement

Once the one-year license revocation period expires, you have to use an IID in your car if you have more than one drinking and driving violation on your record. You must install an IID in your car and use it for six months from reinstatement regardless of if you had an LDP or not.

If you violate the manufacturer’s terms of use for the IID during this six-month monitoring period, you will have to use the device for an extra three months without another violation. Violations can include tampering with the IID, trying to remove the device or failing to pay service fees for the device.